Membership Ts & Cs

It is a condition of membership of Torridge Pilot Gig Club that members agree to the following:

Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

Adult, Student and adult members of a Family membership automatically confers voting membership of the CIO. By becoming a member of Torridge Pilot Gig Club CIO , a registered charity, I accept that it is my duty to exercise my powers as a member of the CIO in the way I decide in good faith would be most likely to further the purposes of the CIO, and to comply with the Constitution.

Please note that Junior, Non-Rowing, Honorary and junior members of Family memberships are not full members of the CIO.


I understand that by becoming a member of TPGC I agree that: a) I will always adopt a ‘safety first’ attitude and follow the coxswain’s instructions whenever on the water, launching, recovering or otherwise handling TPGC’s or loaned equipment. b) if whilst rowing, whether social, training or racing, I begin to feel in any way unwell, I shall cease rowing immediately and inform the coxswain or adjacent rower. c) if at any time, I observe any unreported accident, unsafe or near miss incident, I will report it to either the coxswain or TPGC Health & Safety Officer. d) I am able to swim 50m in open water, or will otherwise wear a lifejacket while on the water. e) if I should want to wear a lifejacket, or have one close at hand before setting off for a row, one will be provided by TPGC upon request. f) before going out in a gig, I have read, understood and will comply with both the TPGC Rowing Handbook at and CPGA Safety Document at


We want everyone to enjoy their rowing, membership of TPGC and the wider gig community. As a TPGC member I agree that: g) while engaged in TPGC activities, I will treat my fellow TPGC members, competitors, spectators and members of the general public with total respect, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity or abilities. I will not act in any way that may bring myself, TPGC or the sport of Cornish pilot gig rowing into disrepute.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Torridge Pilot Gig Club notifies you that the above details will be kept on computer records. By applying to become a member you confirm that you have no objection. In accordance with the Act you will be asked to verify your details on a yearly basis and notify TPGC of any changes. No data you provide will be passed to any third parties. All data will be secured in secure location in digital format with a protected password. I am happy for my information to be shared within the club.

Junior Members

As the named parent/guardian on a Junior membership application form, or as the lead member of a Family, I understand that I am giving consent for the named junior to participate in TPGC rowing and social activities.

I agree to my child travelling by public transport or in a motor vehicle driven by members of TPGC. I agree, in conjunction with other parents of U16 members, to ensure adequate supervision of my child during regattas and overnight stays. The club cannot be held responsible for any accidents / incidents involving my child once he/she has completed their row and left the gig. I agree to my child appearing in photographs used only to promote the club. I agree to the club taking / using video footage and photos of rowing technique as a training aid. I consent to medical treatment being given if found necessary by a qualified person. I have disclosed all relevant medical conditions in the membership application form.

Last Updated on 20/01/2025 by admin